How to Relieve Pelvic Pain During Pregnancy?

Pregnancy is a journey filled with joy, anticipation, and new experiences. Yet, it's not without its hurdles. Among these, pelvic pain stands out, often becoming a frequent companion for many expectant mothers. But why does it occur, and what can be done to alleviate it?

This guide delves into the complexities of pelvic pain during pregnancy. By unraveling its underlying causes and presenting effective solutions, we aim to empower you with knowledge. With the right insights and tools, you can face this challenge head-on, ensuring a smoother and more comfortable journey. Let's embark on this enlightening exploration together.

Understanding Pelvic Pain

The pelvis, a complex structure of bones, ligaments, and muscles, serves as our body's central support. It's built for strength but also flexibility, especially vital during this transformative phase. More specifically, as the fetus develops, it demands more space, leading to an expansion of the uterus. This growth exerts pressure on the pelvic bones and ligaments. While this is a natural and necessary process, it can sometimes result in the pelvis becoming less stable, causing discomfort.

The nature of this pain varies among women. Some might experience a dull, constant ache, while others could feel sudden, sharp twinges, especially during specific movements like standing up or turning in bed. Activities that were once taken for granted, such as walking or climbing stairs, might become challenging. Moreover, the emotional toll of dealing with persistent pain can impact a woman's overall well-being, making it essential to understand and address the root causes.

Common Symptoms of Pelvic Pain During Pregnancy

Understanding the common symptoms of pelvic pain during pregnancy is essential for early diagnosis and effective management. 

Here's a breakdown of the typical symptoms:

Pain in Various Regions

Pain can manifest itself differently for everyone. The most common areas include:

  • Pubic Region: Many women experience a pronounced sharp or stabbing sensation attributed to the stretching of the symphysis pubis joint.
  • Lower Back: This discomfort is a direct consequence of the added weight, placing pressure on the lumbar spine.
  • Hips and Groin: The widening pelvis can induce strain that extends into the groin.
  • Thighs and Knees: Pain can radiate, potentially reaching the knees, especially if influenced by the sciatic nerve.

Clicking or Grinding Sensations

Some women distinctly notice a clicking or grinding noise in the pelvic area. This phenomenon, termed 'crepitus,' indicates potential instability or misalignment of the pelvic bones.

Movement-Induced Discomfort

Activities that were once routine can now trigger pain. For instance:

  • Walking: Extended walking durations can heighten discomfort due to the rhythmic weight shifting.
  • Climbing Stairs: The hip and pelvic joints are more engaged, potentially leading to increased strain.
  • Turning in Bed: Even a simple change in sleep position can cause sharp pain as the pelvic bones and ligaments adjust.

Intimacy-Related Challenges

The heightened pelvic sensitivity during pregnancy can pose challenges during intimate moments. Open communication and adaptability between partners become crucial to ensure mutual comfort.

Causes of Pelvic Pain During Pregnancy

While pelvic pain is a common experience, the reasons behind it are multifaceted and can vary from one individual to another. 

Let's delve into the primary causes behind pain during pregnancy, shedding light on this often misunderstood discomfort.

  • Hormonal Changes: Pregnancy triggers a surge of hormones, preparing the body for the journey ahead. One standout hormone is relaxin. Produced by the ovaries and the placenta, its main job is to relax the uterine muscles, preventing early contractions. But there's a side effect: it also increases the flexibility of the joints and ligaments. While this is crucial for childbirth, the heightened laxity can lead to joint instability, often resulting in discomfort or pain.
  • Weight Gain and Uterus Expansion: As the baby grows, so does the mother's body. This natural increase in weight, combined with the expanding uterus, puts a lot of pressure on the pelvic region. The added weight includes not just the baby, but also the placenta, amniotic fluid, and even increased blood volume. As the uterus expands, it pushes against surrounding structures, causing strain and, in many cases, pain.
  • Joint Imbalances: The body is a marvel, adjusting its posture in response to the growing baby. But sometimes, these adjustments can lead to imbalances. The burgeoning belly often prompts a forward tilt of the pelvis and a pronounced curve in the lower back. While this new stance helps accommodate the baby, it can strain the pelvic joints and muscles. Moreover, any misalignment in the spine can further impact the pelvis, intensifying discomfort.
  • Pelvic Floor Dysfunction: Beneath the surface, the pelvic floor muscles work tirelessly, supporting the body’s organs. But when these muscles falter, pain can ensue. A weakened pelvic floor might not offer the needed support, leading to discomfort. Conversely, if these muscles are too tense, they can exert undue pressure on the joints. This tension might stem from past injuries or even trauma.

6 Effective Remedies and Treatments for Pelvic Pain During Pregnancy

While a time of joy and anticipation, pregnancy also brings about physical challenges that require extra attention and care. The good news? There's a range of treatments and strategies to help navigate this discomfort. From professional therapies to simple home remedies, here are some methods to help manage and alleviate pain during pregnancy:

1. Sexual Wellness Devices 

While sexual wellness devices have long been associated with pleasure, their therapeutic potential, especially in addressing pelvic pain during pregnancy, is gaining significant recognition. A standout in this domain is our Crescendo 2. This device is not merely an innovative and flexible vibrator; it's a clinically proven solution for those experiencing genito pelvic pain and penetration disorder (GPPPD), pain from childbirth, menopause, or other conditions that impact sexual health.

Why should you settle for uncomfortable, sleepless nights when relief is just a touch away? Crescendo 2 is not merely a luxury; it's a necessity for any pregnant woman seeking to alleviate pelvic discomfort. Its groundbreaking adaptability allows it to conform to the unique changes your body undergoes during pregnancy, ensuring a tailored fit that delivers targeted relief.

The device's six distinct vibration zones, each powered by individual motors, offer a nuanced approach to pain management. Plus, you can fine-tune your experience through 16 power settings, all of which can be easily accessed via the device or  an intuitive app. This means you can adjust the device to suit your varying comfort levels throughout the different stages of pregnancy.

Moreover, Crescendo 2 is crafted from premium, water-resistant, medical-grade silicone, ensuring it's as safe as it is effective. Its USB rechargeability means you never have to worry about it letting you down when you need it most.

So, as you navigate the ups and downs of pregnancy, let Crescendo 2 be your trusted companion. It's not just about pleasure; it's about enhancing your quality of life when you need it most.

2. Physical Therapy

Physical therapy stands out as a highly effective approach to addressing discomfort during pregnancy. Under the guidance of a trained physical therapist, expectant mothers can engage in targeted exercises designed to strengthen the muscles surrounding the pelvic region. These exercises not only offer immediate relief but also work towards building a robust support system for the pelvis.

For instance, pelvic tilts, a popular exercise, can help in improving posture and alleviating lower back strain. Another beneficial exercise is the Kegel, which focuses on strengthening the pelvic floor muscles, providing better support to the body’s organs. Additionally, physical therapists can introduce stretching routines that can relax tight muscles, further reducing symptoms.

3. Supportive Measures

During pregnancy, the added weight and shifting center of gravity can place undue stress on the pelvic region. To counteract this, supportive measures, particularly the use of sacroiliac belts, have proven to be invaluable.

A sacroiliac belt, often made of elastic and durable materials, is specifically designed to wrap around the hips, just below the spine. Its primary function is to stabilize the sacroiliac joint, which connects the spine to the pelvis. During pregnancy, as the body releases relaxin, the ligaments around this joint can become more flexible, leading to potential instability and pain. The belt works by compressing the joint, reducing its mobility and thereby alleviating any strain.

Moreover, these belts can also help in correcting posture. As the belly grows, there's a natural tendency to lean forward, straining the lower back. By providing support, the belt encourages better posture, distributing weight more evenly and reducing the strain on the pelvic muscles and ligaments.

4. Alternative Therapies

For those grappling with pelvic pain during pregnancy, alternative therapies present a holistic avenue for relief. Two therapies, acupuncture and massage, have garnered attention for their efficacy in this domain.

  • Acupuncture: A fundamental aspect of traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture involves the precise insertion of fine needles into specific points on the body. It's believed that these placements help regulate the body's energy flow, or “qi,” as disruptions can manifest as pain. To this end, acupuncture focuses on specific points linked to the pelvic area, aiming to rebalance energy and diminish strain. When conducted by skilled practitioners, it's a safe option during pregnancy, often leading to relaxation and a notable reduction in discomfort.
  • Massage Therapy: Prenatal massage, adapted for expectant mothers, zeroes in on pregnancy-related tension zones. Therapists use techniques to soothe muscles around the pelvic area, improving circulation and inducing relaxation. Beyond immediate relief, consistent massages can mitigate stress, enhance sleep quality, and uplift mood.

5. Warmth as a Remedy

The healing effects of warmth are typically immediate and impactful. Two primary ways to harness this relief are:

  • Heating Pads: These pads, when warmed and placed over the pelvic area, can work wonders. The gentle heat dilates blood vessels, fostering better circulation and potentially speeding up the healing of inflamed tissues. Additionally, it can directly soothe pain receptors, curbing these signals to the brain. However, it’s worth noting that for optimal safety and effectiveness, it's wise to place a cloth barrier between the skin and the pad. In addition, it's important to make sure the heat is not too intense and to apply it in intervals of 15 to 20 minutes.
  • Soothing Baths: For many pregnant women, a warm bath is more than just relaxation – it's a relief. The water's buoyancy alleviates weight from pelvic joints and muscles, and the warmth, akin to heating pads, aids in relaxing muscles. If you want to go that extra mile, consider introducing Epsom salts, as this can heighten the experience, with magnesium aiding muscle relaxation and inflammation reduction. 

6. Mindful Movements

Pregnancy can turn even the most routine movements into potential discomfort zones. A great way to combat this is to implement the concept of mindful movements into your daily actions. When done with intention, simple acts, like rising from a seat or adjusting in bed, can prevent strains that exacerbate pelvic pain.

Moreover, as the baby grows and alters the body's balance, posture becomes even more crucial. Therefore, adopting a neutral spine, evenly distributing weight, and keeping the core engaged can lessen stress on the pelvic area. By embracing mindfulness and moving purposefully, you can not only reduce pain but also strengthen the connection between your evolving body and your baby.


Pelvic pain during pregnancy, while common, shouldn't diminish the joy of expecting a new life. By understanding its causes and employing effective remedies, you can navigate this journey with greater ease and comfort. Remember, everybody is unique, and what works for one may not work for another. It's essential to find what's best for you and your baby, ensuring a healthy and happy pregnancy.


How should I sleep to relieve pelvic pain?

Sleep on your side with a pillow between your knees. This position aligns your pelvis and reduces strain, offering relief throughout the night.

What is the best position for pelvic pain during pregnancy?

Maintain an upright posture when sitting. While at rest, lying on your side can aid in easing discomfort and evenly distributing weight.

When should I be concerned about pelvic pain during pregnancy?

If the pain is sharp, persists for extended periods, or is accompanied by other unusual symptoms, it's essential to consult your healthcare provider promptly.

